People 人物 IN REMEMBRANCE永遠懷念 With deep sadness, HKUMed reports the passing of our respected supporter Dr Daniel Yu Chung-kwong on 22 March 2023. Dr Yu was a celebrated Hong Kong industrialist, having founded Maxwell Electronics in 1966 in Hong Kong after completing his studies in the United States. Driven by his innovative and visionary entrepreneurship, his company became a global success and contributed to the robust development of Hong Kong’s export sector. Much more than an industry heavyweight, Dr Yu firmly believed that education is the key to building a strong and prosperous nation, and that advancing medical education was key to benefit public health. He was also a strong advocate in promoting medical advances to relieve human sufferings. Dr Yu therefore devoted himself to philanthropy with a special interest in education and HKUMed has been a major beneficiary of his generosity. In 2012 he established an endowed professorship in Virology to support research into emerging infectious diseases – a field that became increasingly important globally in the wake of H5N1, SARS and other infectious disease outbreaks from the late 1990s onwards. Following on from that gift, Dr Yu supported three more endowed professorships in Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology (2013), Anaesthesiology (2018) and Breast Cancer Research (2019). In 2022 he established the Daniel and Mayce Yu Medical Development Fund to provide the necessary environment to propel our work in advancing discoveries in medical research and treatment, and training tomorrow’s health experts and innovators. In return for his unstinting support for HKUMed and the University, the latest faculty administration building was named in honour of Dr Daniel Yu and Mrs Mayce Yu in 2022. He was awarded an Honorary University Fellowship in 2014 and conferred the degree of Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa in 2023. He became an Honorary Patron of the HKU Foundation. The Faculty extends its deepest condolences to Dr Yu’s family. His generosity and support will always be remembered. 多年來鼎力支持港大醫學院、備受尊敬的於崇光博士 於2023年3月22日與世長辭,港大醫學院仝寅深感 哀痛。 於博士是本港傑出的工業家,曾負笈美國,1966年回 港創立麥士威電子廠。憑藉其高瞻遠矚及創新精神, 於博士旗下企業生產的相機閃光燈譽滿全球,對香港 電子業及出口業的發展貢獻良多。同時,於博士深信 國家富強之道在於發展教育,民眾健康之道則在於醫 療教學的長遠投資,因而積極參與慈善事業,回饋社 會,對教育的支持尤其不遺餘力。於博士認為人民的 身心健康是國家昌盛的一個標誌。他積極支持醫學科 研,開發更好的治療方法,抵抗疾病。 於博士目睹香港經濟經歷多次動盪,以及 H5N1病毒和 SARS等傳染病肆虐對社會造成的傷害,因而於2012 年成立了「於崇光基金教授席(病毒學)」,支持港大醫 學院有關新發傳染病的研究工作。翌年,又成立「於崇 光基金教授席(風濕及臨床免疫學)」,支持有關風濕病 患成因和嶄新療法的醫學研究。其後於2018及2019年, 分別成立「於崇光基金教授席(麻醉學)」及「於崇光基 金教授席(乳腺癌研究)」,推動麻醉與乳腺癌的醫學研 究,造福社群。2022年,於博士成立「於崇光伉儷醫 學發展基金」,大力推動醫學院的長遠策略發展,培育 醫療人才。 為答謝於博士多年來對香港大學及醫學院的鼎力支持, 香港大學於2014年向他頒授名譽大學院士銜,其後於 2022年將醫學院行政樓命名為「於崇光伉儷行政樓」, 2023年更向他頒授名譽社會科學博士學位。此外,於 博士也是香港大學基金會榮譽會長之一。 港大醫學院向於博士家屬致以最懇切的慰問,並銘記 於博士對醫學院的慷慨支持與重託。 Dr Daniel Yu Chung-kwong 於崇光博士 Naming of Daniel and Mayce Yu Administration Wing 於崇光伉儷行政樓命名 The Faculty Administration Wing was officially named in December 2022 as ‘Daniel and Mayce Yu Administration Wing’ in honour of Dr Daniel Yu and Mrs Mayce Yu, in recognition of their continued and staunch support for HKUMed. The newly established ‘Daniel and Mayce Yu Medical Development Fund’ will support the Faculty’s teaching and learning, research and knowledge exchange activities. 醫學院行政樓於 2022 年 12 月正式命名為「於崇光伉儷行政樓」,以感謝於崇光 伉儷對醫學院的長期支持。新成立的「於崇光伉儷醫學發展基金」將支持醫學院 的教學、研究和知識交流活動。 52