People 人物 MBBS Class of 1997 celebrated its 25th anniversary on 25 March 2023. More than 30 alumni and their family members visited the Medical Campus and the HKU Main Campus, followed by a reunion dinner at the Senior Common Room of HKU. 為慶祝畢業25周年,逾30位MBBS 1997 畢業班校友及其家人於 2023年3月25日參觀醫學院及大學本部校園,並於港大教職員聯 誼會舉辦歡聚晚宴。 HKU Medical Alumni Association (HKUMAA) organised the 4th Sharing Forum of the 130 Mentorship Programme on 20 May 2023. The event was a great success, bringing together family medicine specialists, HR professionals, mentors and mentees, MBBS students, and young medical alumni. Over 60 participants joined the session. 香港大學醫學院校友會於2023年5月20日舉辦第四次130師友計劃 分享會,匯聚逾60位導師、學員、家庭醫學專科醫生、人力資源專 業人員,以及各校友會成員進行分享交流。 HKUMAA organised its first Spring Dinner on 17 February 2023 since the beginning of the pandemic. The event brought together over 200 alumni and friends. In the welcoming remarks, Dr Matthew Tsui, President of HKUMAA, highlighted the Association’s activities in the past year, followed by a speech delivered by Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, on the Faculty’s latest updates. 香港大學醫學院校友會於2023 年 2 月 17 日舉辦春茗晚宴,為疫 情後首次復辦。當晚筵開18 席,逾 200 位校友和友好出席,由校 友會會長徐錫漢醫生致歡迎辭,介紹校友會過去一年舉辦的活動, 再由院長劉澤星教授分享學院的最新發展。 Homecoming Visit and Reunion of MBBS 1997 Class MBBS 1997 畢業班聚首一堂 HKUMAA 130 Mentorship Programme ― 4th Sharing Forum HKUMAA 130 師友計劃 ― 第四次分享會 HKUMAA Spring Dinner 2023 HKUMAA 2023年春茗晚宴 ALUMNI NEWS校友活動 54