A football match oragnised by HKUMAA was held on 8 January 2023 at Stanley Ho Sports Centre. More than 30 MBBS alumni and students joined the match and were divided into blue and yellow teams. The yellow team finally won the match by penalty shootouts. Dr She Wong-hoi, who scored four goals in the match, was awarded ‘The Most Valuable Player’. Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, was invited to present prizes to the winners. 香港大學醫學院校友會於2023年1月8日在何鴻燊體育中心舉辦足 球聯誼賽,吸引逾30位醫科校友及學生分成藍黃兩隊對決,最終 由黃隊憑十二碼射球取勝。代表黃隊的石黃海醫生共射入四球,獲 頒「最有價值球員奬」。醫學院院長劉澤星教授應邀出席活動,並為 參賽者頒獎。 Nearly 80 alumni and family members of the MBBS Class of 1992 gathered at the Alumni Chamber of HKUMed for a reunion dinner on 3 December 2022 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation. 近80位MBBS 1992畢業班校友及其家人於2022年12月3日在醫 學院Alumni Chamber歡聚,慶祝畢業30周年。 HKUMAA Reunion Football Match 2023 HKUMAA 2023足球聯誼賽 MBBS 1992 Class Reunion MBBS 1992 畢業班慶祝30周年 Please scan the QR code for more details 請掃描二維碼以瀏覽更多資訊 55 HKUMed News Summer 2023