Gao Sanxing, PhD candidate, School of Biomedical Sciences, won the Best Poster Award at the Hong Kong Society for Immunology Annual Meeting in February 2023. 生物醫學學院博士研究生高三星於2023年 2月Hong Kong Society for Immunology 年度 會議贏得最佳海報獎。 Hu Shihang, PhD candidate, Department of Surgery, School of Clinical Medicine, received the Young Investigator Award at the Global Breast Cancer Conference 2023 in April 2023. 臨床醫學學院外科學系博士研究生胡詩航於 2023年4月於2023年度世界乳癌學術大會 贏得Young Investigator Award。 Jeremy Hui Man-ho, MBBS student, was named the Winner of Oral Presenter at the Stanford CARE Summer Research Symposium 2022. Cheung Tsz-yan, MBBS student and Teddy Lee Tai-loy, BPharm student, were named Winners of Poster Presenter at the same event. 內外全科醫學士學生許文澔於2022年度 Stanford CARE Summer Research Symposium 贏得口頭報告獎。內外全科 醫學士學生張旨恩及藥劑學本科生李泰來 則於同一活動贏得海報報告獎。 Jia Shuo, PhD candidate, Department of Ophthalmology, School of Clinical Medicine, won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the 2022 Hong Kong Inter-University Postgraduate Symposium in Life Science. 臨床醫學學院眼科學系博士研究生賈碩於 2022年度Hong Kong Inter-University Postgraduate Symposium in Life Science 贏得最佳海報報告獎。 Loh Jia Jian, PhD candidate, School of Biomedical Sciences, won the Best Poster Award in Young Investigators Workshop as well as Second Place in Young Investigator Award at the 32nd Conference of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL 2023) in February 2023. 生物醫學學院博士研究生羅佳健於2023年 2月獲APASL頒發第32屆亞太肝臟研究學會 年會Young Investigators Workshop最佳 海報獎及Young Investigator Award二等獎。 Judy Lui Hiu-tung, undergraduate student, School of Nursing, became a member of the Pi lota at-Large Chapter and received the Pi lota at-Large Chapter Academic Scholarship Award 2021/2022 presented by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (STTI). Judy also received the Research Internship Award of the Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme 2022-23 in May 2022. She was selected Winner of the Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Students Poster Competition by the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine in September 2022 and was awarded The Hong Kong Society of Community Medicine Prize 2021 in November 2022. 護理學院本科生雷曉彤於2022年獲國際 護理榮譽學會總會選為Pi Iota at-Large 分會 會員,並獲得2021/22 年度Pi Iota at-Large 分會學術獎學金。她亦於2022年5月獲 2022-23年度Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme Research Internship Award,並於2022年9月獲 香港社會醫學學院選為醫學院本科生海報 比賽得獎者,及於同年11月獲2021年度 The Hong Kong Society of Community Medicine Prize。 Luo Mengxiao, PhD candidate, Department of Microbiology, School of Clinical Medicine received the Best Poster Award conferred by the Hong Kong Society for Immunology in February 2023. 臨床醫學學院微生物學系博士研究生羅夢曉 於2023年2月獲香港免疫學會(HKSI)頒發 最佳海報獎。 Rachel Kwan Hiu-lam and Tan Xin Yi, PhD candidates, School of Biomedical Sciences, were named Winners of Oral Presentation at the 27th Research Postgraduate Symposium organised by HKUMed in November and December 2022. Ong Chon Phin and Wang Bei, PhD candidates of the School of Biomedical Sciences, as well as Lam Kai-ching, MPhil candidate from the same School, were named Winners of Poster Presentation. 生物醫學學院博士研究生關曉琳及陳歆榆於 2022年11至12月贏得醫學院舉辦之第27屆 Research Postgraduate Symposium 口頭 報告獎。來自同一學院的博士研究生王俊斌 及王貝,以及碩士研究生林啟正則獲海報 報告獎。 Kwok Ka-ki, undergraduate student (BNurs ALT), School of Nursing, was awarded Serena Yang Prizes in Nursing Studies 2021-2022 in February 2023. 護理學院本科生(菁英領袖培育專修組別) 郭釓圻於2023年2月獲頒2021-22年度 Serena Yang Prizes in Nursing Studies。 William Lam, Tam Ka-ki and Tan Xin Yi, PhD candidates, School of Biomedical Sciences, were named Winners of 2022 SBMS Research Day Poster Presentation in December 2022. 生物醫學學院博士研究生林聖竣、譚家奇及 陳歆榆於2022年12月贏得生物醫學學院舉 辦之SBMS Research Day 海報報告獎。 Li Junshi, PhD candidate, School of Biomedical Sciences, received the Award for Dissertation Year Fellowship 2023/24 presented by HKU in January 2023. 生物醫學學院博士研究生李俊詩於2023年 1月獲港大頒發2023-24年度Award for Dissertation Year Fellowship。 57 HKUMed News Summer 2023