The fourth and final lecture of the 135th Anniversary Dean’s Lecture Series was successfully held on 12 December 2022, delivered by Professor Trudie E Roberts, Emeritus Professor, University of Leeds, entitled ‘Producing a 21st Century Doctor’. Professor Roberts highlighted the revolutionary influence that technology is having on healthcare delivery and why we need a similar revolution to equip our students to embrace this new technology-enabled future and continue to provide the best medical care for patients. 「群賢匯智」港大醫學院135周年院長講座系列的第四場兼壓軸講座於2022年 12月12日舉行,由利茲大學榮休教授Trudie E Roberts教授分享廿一世紀的醫學 教育。 Roberts教授強調科技對醫療保健服務的革命性影響,而醫療教育亦需要 一場類似的革命,以裝備學生在新技術驅動的未來為患者提供最佳的醫療服務。 Professor Chak-sing Lau presented a white coat from HKUMed to Professor Roberts as souvenir. 劉澤星教授致送港大醫學院白袍予Roberts教授,以作紀念。 Panellists Professor Gilberto Leung, Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning); Professor Samuel Wong, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Medicine cum Director, School of Public Health and Primary Care and Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training, CUHK; and Dr Rex Hui, Clinical Practitioner, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine (SClinMed) cum Honorary Resident, Queen Mary Hospital exchanged their views in the panel discussion moderated by Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine. 副院長(教學)梁嘉傑教授、香港中文大學醫學院副院長(教育)兼任賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院院長與敬霆靜觀研究與培訓中心 總監黃仰山教授,及臨床醫學學院內科學系臨床講師暨瑪麗醫院名譽駐院醫生許允軒醫生在座談環節作交流,由院長劉澤星教授擔任 主持。 135th Anniversary Dean’s Lecture Series 「群賢匯智」港大醫學院135周年院長講座系列 4