140 for 140: Great Minds for Grand Challenges 「140 for 140」全球招聘計劃 HKUMed is embarking on a major recruitment drive to support our expanding research portfolio and clinical and teaching activities. The ‘140 for 140’ recruitment campaign seeks to recruit 140 professoriate staff across multiple disciplines and ranks by 2027, when HKUMed celebrates its 140th anniversary. The recruitment campaign started in mid-April 2023 with a delegation at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, US. Further overseas delegations will be arranged to engage with members of the medical community across the globe. 港大醫學院正著手進行大規模的招聘活動,以配合持續擴展的研究範疇以及臨床和教學活動。「140 for 140」全球招聘計劃旨在於2027年 港大醫學院成立140周年之際,招募140名跨學科和職級的學者。招聘計劃的首站是2023年4月中在美國佛羅里達州奧蘭多舉行的美國癌症研究協會 (AACR)年會,學院將安排更多的海外代表團與全球醫學界的成員進行交流。 Since 1887: A Walking Tour 「遊.歷杏林」港大醫學院精華遊 In early January 2023, HKUMed organised guided tours as a finale of its 135th Anniversary celebration, giving the public a taste of HKUMed from past to present. The tour began at the original site of the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese on Hollywood Road, where alumni including Dr Sun Yat-sen received their training, then moved on to HKUMed campus on Sassoon Road to visit innovative teaching technologies for training tomorrow’s aspiring healthcare professionals. 於2023年1月圓滿舉行的「遊.歷杏林」公眾導賞團為港大醫學院135周年誌慶 的壓軸節目。導賞團先遊歷醫學院前身、位於荷里活道的香港華人西醫書院舊址及 孫中山先生等校友的歷史足跡,再前往醫學院位於沙宣道的校園,參加者可親身體驗 嶄新教學科技,認識現今醫護學生的校園生活。 Anatomage provides an interactive 3D anatomy and physiology learning approach through virtual dissection. 虛擬解剖台以互動及立體形式輔助學生研習解剖學及生理學。 Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, introduced HKUMed at a reception during AACR Annual Meeting. 院長劉澤星教授在AACR招待會介紹港大醫學院。 The Deanery had fruitful exchanges with visitors to the HKUMed booth at ACCR. 領導團隊與參觀者在學院設於ACCR的展示攤位作交流。 5 HKUMed News Summer 2023