HKUMed and Gleneagles Partner in Clinical Trials 醫學院夥港怡醫院加快臨床試驗 WHS Academic Alliance: Building Trust for a Healthier World 世界衞生峰會學術聯盟: 為更健康的世界建立信任 Over 3,500 participants from 140 countries, including global leaders, joined the World Health Summit 2024. Dean Professor Chak-sing Lau expressed enthusiasm for the partnership and its potential to enhance global health initiatives. 來自140多個國家、3,500多名人士出席2024年世界衞生峰會, 其中包括國際領袖。院長劉澤星教授熱切期待透過夥伴協作改善促 進全球健康的策略。 The HKU-Clinical Trials Centre of HKUMed is co-managing the Gleneagles Clinical Trials Centre in partnership with Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong. The Centre commenced its operations on 19 September 2024, with the aim to advance clinical research while upholding the highest ethical standards and regulatory compliance. It will support a diverse range of clinical studies, including treatments, procedures, drugs, vaccines, and medical devices. Initially focused on oncology, it is currently conducting trials for novel drugs targeting for various cancers, such as colorectal and biliary tract cancers. As the Centre develops, it plans to expand into additional specialties. 醫學院轄下的港大臨床試驗中心與港怡醫院加強合 作,共同管理於2024年9月19日揭幕的港怡臨床試驗 中心。該中心旨在促進各類臨床研究,包括治療、手術、 藥物、疫苗、醫療設備等,並確保所有研究項目遵循人體 研究的高道德標準及相關法規。中心初期專注於腫瘤科的 研究項目,現正為治療結直腸癌、膽管癌等不同癌症的新 藥進行臨床試驗,日後將考慮擴展至其他專科研究項目。 The Faculty has joined the recently renamed WHS Academic Alliance, formerly known as the M8 Alliance, which serves as the academic network of the World Health Summit (WHS). The revitalised alliance now comprises 30 leading institutions globally, fostering collaboration across the medical and public health sectors. Under the theme ‘Building Trust for a Healthier World’, this year’s Summit brought together members of academia, the political sector and civil society to forge innovative solutions to pressing global health challenges. 醫學院已加入重新命名的世界衞生峰會(WHS)學術聯 盟(前身為 M8 聯盟)。該聯盟為世界衞生峰會的學術網絡, 由全球 30 所頂尖院校組成,旨在促進醫療和公共衞生領域 的協作。今年峰會匯聚學術界、政界和不同民間組織的成 員,就「為更健康的世界建立信任」這個主題,一起商討全 球健康面臨的危機和挑戰,共同尋求創新方案。 28