
HKU Information Day 2024 draws over 75,000 visitors 香港大學本科入學資訊日2024吸引逾75,000人參觀 On 26 October 2024, HKU Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions captivated over 75,000 prospective students and the public on the Main Campus and HKUMed’s Sassoon Road campus. The attendees immersed themselves in admission talks, interactive workshops, hands-on lab demonstrations and game booths. HKUMed student ambassadors shared their experience, highlighting supportive faculty and exciting extracurriculars. The event also featured insights into global opportunities for MBBS students during the exclusive enrichment year. The vibrant atmosphere and engaging activities sparked keen interest from both students and parents, as HKUMed warmly welcomes the next generation of outstanding healthcare professionals. 港大本科入學資訊日於2024年10月26日圓滿舉 行,吸引超過75,000名學生及公眾人士到訪港大 校園及醫學院沙宣道校園,現場人山人海,熱鬧非 常。參觀人士全情投入一系列精彩活動,包括入學 講座、互動工作坊、實驗室示範和遊戲攤位等。 醫學院的學生大使亦親切地分享他們的學習心得、 教授們對同學的關愛和支持,以及精彩多姿的課外 活動等﹔醫學院獨特的增潤學年,助醫科 生們跳出醫科,體驗多元文化,擁抱 全球機遇。當日校園處處充滿活力, 多個有趣的互動體驗成功激發學生 和家長的濃厚學術興趣。港大醫學院 歡迎各位立志成為新一代傑出醫護專業 人才的學生加入這個大家庭。 ‘I’ve been enjoying my time at HKUMed! The vibrant community of students and teaching staff makes it a great place to be. HKUMed’s support empowers me to pursue my athletic and academic goals ― they understand my needs for training and competitions and offer valuable advice on how to make flexible arrangements in my schedule. It feels amazing to be part of this welcoming community that supports my passions!’ 「港大醫學院溫暖共融的環境讓我在這裡度過很多愉快的時光!作為運動員,校方的支持與包 容讓我能兼顧運動和學業,繼而追逐理想目標 ― 他們理解到我在訓練和比賽上 的需要,並為我提供適切的意見以便靈活安排緊湊的時間表。港大醫學院樂見 學生各展所長,我亦很高興成為其中一分子!」 Chloe Pak Hoi-man 白凱文 (Year-one MBBS student 內外全科醫學士一年級生) 38