Achievements 獎項與成就 MAJOR AWARDS / Research projects led by Professor Jasper Chan Fuk-woo (Microbiology, SClinMed) and Professor Carmen Wong Chak-lui (Pathology, SClinMed) received separate 2024/25 Research Fellowships from the Research Grants Council (RGC) 臨床醫學學院微生物學系陳福和教授和病理學系黃澤蕾教授 所領導的研究分別獲研究資助局2024/25年度研究學者獎資助 Research projects led by Professor Chen Zhiwei (Microbiology, SClinMed) and Professor Stephanie Ma Kwai-yee (Biomedical Sciences) received separate grants under the RGC’s Theme-based Research Scheme 2024/25 臨床醫學學院微生物學系陳志偉教授及生物醫學學院 馬桂宜教授所領導的研究分別獲研資局2024/25年度主題研究 計劃資助 Research led by Professor Chen Zhiwei (Microbiology, SClinMed) was awarded under the inaugural Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus Scheme (RAISe+) by the Innovation and Technology Commission 臨床醫學學院微生物學系陳志偉教授領導的研究獲 「產學研1+計劃」資助 Project led by Professor Kathryn Cheah Song-eng (Biomedical Sciences) received a grant from the Innovation and Technology Fund: General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Commission 生物醫學學院謝賞恩教授所領導的項目獲創新科技署轄下 創新及科技基金(一般支援計劃)資助 Professor Guan Yi (Public Health) was ranked first in immunology in China by in 2024 公共衞生學院管軼教授獲Research.com評為2024年度 免疫學全中國排名第一的學者 Professor Chak-sing Lau (Dean of Medicine), Professor Philip Li Hei (Medicine, SClinMed), Professor Liu Pengtao (Biomedical Sciences), Dr Vera Chan Sau-fong (Medicine, SClinMed) and team were awarded the Silver Medal for their invention ‘Personalised stem cell treatment for immunodeficiency patients’ at the Silicon Valley International Invention Festival 2024 院長劉澤星教授、臨床醫學 學院內科學系李曦教授、 生物醫學學院劉澎濤教授、 臨床醫學學院內科學系 陳秀芳博士及團隊研發的 「個人化幹細胞平台用於 治療原發性免疫缺陷病」於 2024年度美國矽谷國際 發明節獲頒銀獎 Professor Christopher Leung Kai-shun (Ophthalmology, SClinMed) was awarded the RGC’s Strategic Topics Grant 2024/25 臨床醫學學院眼科學系 梁啟信教授的研究獲研資局 2024/25年度策略專題 研究資助 44 主要 獎項 成就