「得到這個獎項肯定我作為學術界臨 床醫生的貢獻,實在十分榮幸。作為外 科醫生,以自己雙手幫助病人,讓我心 感滿足。臨床工作是外科醫生的命脈, 透過移除身體內的有害組織和恢復功 能,對病患帶來即時裨益。 表彰傑出的臨床醫生對我們的專業 發展至關重要。我重視病人的治療成效、 滿意度、前輩的信任,以及向學員傳授 技能。這個獎項鼓勵我追求卓越並啟發 他人。 果斷決策、外科技術、團隊合作和 開發創新是卓越臨床服務的要素。同樣 重要的是傳授知識技能、持續自我提 升,以及保持熱誠和謙遜,並且展現對 病人護理的承擔。 在臨床工作、研究、教學和個人生 活之間取得平衡,是臨床醫生面對的挑 戰之一,提升情緒商數既有助管理壓力 亦可改善實踐。我衷心感激導師羅英傑 教授的指導,還有同事、研究人員和 合作伙伴的付出,以及學生的熱誠和家 人的關愛。我亦多謝港大醫學院設立這 個有意義的獎項。 在醫學專業發展的路上有得失起 落,成功的關鍵在於保持積極態度,追 求持續學習,力求創新和改進,並以病 人的最佳利益為依歸。」 「我很高興獲此殊榮,亦衷心感謝 評審們的嘉許。臨床服務卓越獎是難得 的獎項,對臨床科學家擔當醫者角色予 以肯定。歷屆得獎者在提升病人生活質 素和臨床管理成效所作出的努力,令我 深受啟發。 戊型肝炎現時不算普遍,相關臨床 服務因而未臻完善。我慶幸有機會建立 戊型肝炎的臨床和實驗室服務,相關工 作在我接受專科培訓時擔任住院醫生期 間開展。我更慶幸能夠有機會在醫學院 任職,這裡不但支援傑出臨床研究,並 可因應這些研究作出改變。過去15年 間,我親身見證前輩和同事們透過科研 實踐令人鼓舞的改變。 挑戰現狀並不容易。有時候,為改 善病人護理的效果,或需作出系統上的 調整甚至改變。卓越的臨床服務須超越 既有的本地或國際護理標準,認清病人 護理流程的不足,竭力作出實質改進。 身為醫者,我們必須把病人需要放 於首位。年輕醫生也許自覺經驗尚淺, 欠缺作出實質改變的信心,但他們往往 最了解需要改善之處。年輕或經驗不足 並不代表無能力實踐正向改變。如認為 情況可變得更好,我們就應該努力去實 踐改變!」 ‘I am honoured to receive this award for my contribution as a clinical practitioner in academia. As a surgeon, I find fulfilment in helping patients with my hands. Clinical work is the lifeblood of a surgeon, as we can make an immediate impact by removing harmful tissues and restoring function. Recognising outstanding clinical practitioners is important for our profession’s advancement. I value patient outcomes, satisfaction, trust from seniors, and transferring skills to trainees. This award motivates me to pursue excellence and inspire others. Excelling in clinical services requires decisiveness, surgical competence, teamwork and innovation. Also essential are transferring knowledge to juniors, continuous self-improvement, passion and humility, and commitment to patient care. The challenges of being a clinical practitioner include balancing clinical work, research, teaching and personal life. Developing a strong emotional quotient helps manage stress and improve practice. I would like to thank my mentor, Professor Simon Law Ying-kit, for his guidance; my colleagues, research staff, and collaborators for their contributions; my students for their passion; and my family for their care. And I also thank HKUMed for establishing the award. Being a medical profession has its ups and downs. The key to success is maintaining a positive attitude, pursuing continuous learning, striving for innovation and improvement, and acting in the patients’ best interest.’ ‘It is very gratifying to receive this award, and I sincerely thank the panel for their recognition. The Clinical Services Excellence Awards is a great initiative to acknowledge our work as clinician scientists, emphasising the “clinician” aspect. I have been inspired by past winners’ efforts to improve patients’ lives and clinical management. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to build a clinical and laboratory service around hepatitis E, which is a niche condition with unmet service needs. I began this work during my residency before specialisation. I was lucky to work in an environment supportive of great clinical research and open to changes driven by such research. I have witnessed amazing changes in practice effected by my seniors and colleagues over the past 15 years. Challenging the status quo can be difficult. Sometimes, adjustments or overhauls of systems are needed to improve patient outcomes. Excelling in clinical services requires going beyond the local or global “standard of care”, recognising deficiencies in care pathways and striving to effect meaningful improvement. We all put the patient first in our practice. Young doctors may believe themselves too junior to effect meaningful change, but they are often in the best position to understand what changes are required. No one is too young or inexperienced to effect positive change. If you believe a situation can be better, then make it better!’ Professor Siddharth Sridhar 薛達教授 Clinical Associate Professor Department of Microbiology, SClinMed 臨床醫學學院微生物學系臨床副教授 Professor Ian Wong Yu-hong 黃宇匡教授 Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Surgery, SClinMed 臨床醫學學院外科學系臨床助理教授 51 HKUMed News Winter 2024