People 人物 IN REMEMBRANCE永遠懷念 With deep sorrow, HKUMed reports the passing of an esteemed alumnus and an acclaimed community leader, Dr Chiu Hin-kwong, on 30 June 2024. Dr Chiu graduated from the Faculty in 1953 and became a doctor in private practice. With his passionate commitment to serving the grassroots community, he set up his own clinic in Shaukeiwan, an underpriviledged district on Hong Kong Island in the 1950s for mostly low-income families. Over his more than 50-year medical career, he continuously provided medical care and treatment to the poor and needy. In addition to his professional medical practice, Dr Chiu made a significant contribution to promoting community medical and health services and educational development in Hong Kong. With his boundless enthusiasm and profound experience, he diligently served in different medical and professional organisations, including the Hospital Authority, where he was actively involved in various capacities at the early stage of its establishment. Dr Chiu was also the founding Vice-President of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians. In recognition of his remarkable contributions, he was appointed an Honorary Fellow of the College in 1987. A native of Hong Kong with a strong passion for public service, Dr Chiu also made an immense contribution to the Hong Kong community beyond the medical sphere. He was a Member of the Legislative Council (medical functional constituency) from 1985 to 1988, and he was appointed to the Executive Council in the same period. Throughout his life journey, Dr Chiu was a dedicated advocate for the local higher education sector and took up key positions at a number of higher education institutions, including The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University and Lingnan University. In acknowledgement of his tremendous contribution to public service, he was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1987 and awarded an OBE in 1988. Dr Chiu will be deeply missed, and his remarkable legacy will be remembered. The Faculty extends our sincerest condolences to his family. 傑出的校友、社會領袖招顯洸醫生,於2024年6月30 日辭世,醫學院同寅深表哀悼。 招醫生在1953年畢業於港大醫學院,成為私人執業 醫生。他熱衷於服務基層社區,在1950年代於港島 筲箕灣開設自己的診所,當時區內居民多數來自低收 入階層。在超過50年的醫療生涯中,他不遺餘力為 貧苦大眾提供醫療服務。 除了行醫外,招醫生在推動本港醫療衞生服務及教育 發展方面亦貢獻良多。憑著滿腔熱誠及豐富經驗,他 竭盡心力為不同醫療和專業機構服務,包括在醫院管 理局成立初期積極參與不同範疇的工作。招醫生也是 香港家庭醫學學院的創院副院長,院方為表揚他的卓 越貢獻,於1987年委任他為學院榮譽院士。 招醫生是土生土長的香港人,在醫療領域之外,他亦 熱心參與公共服務,對香港社會有莫大貢獻。他曾於 1985年至1988年擔任立法局議員(醫學界功能組別), 並於同期獲委任為行政局議員。招醫生一生致力推動 本地高等教育,曾在多間高等教育機構擔任要職,包 括香港大學、香港理工大學、香港浸會大學及嶺南大 學。港府為表揚他在公共服務方面的貢獻,於1987 年委任他為太平紳士,再於1988年向他頒授大英帝 國官佐勳章(OBE)。 我們將永遠懷念招醫生並銘記他的卓越成就。醫學院 同寅謹此向他的家人致以深切慰問。 Dr Chiu Hin-kwong, OBE, JP 招顯洸醫生 58