
With profound sadness, HKUMed reports the passing of a cherished alumna, distinguished scientist and highly respected academic, Professor Moira MW Chan-Yeung, on 6 September 2024. Professor Chan-Yeung graduated from the Faculty in 1962 and joined the Department of Medicine in 1963. Subsequently, she pursued advanced studies in the UK and moved to Canada in 1968. She became a prominent academic in the Department of Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC), where she dedicated her efforts to asthma research. In 1998, she returned to Hong Kong and was appointed Chair Professor of Respiratory Medicine at HKUMed. After her retirement, she was conferred Professor Emeritus of Medicine at UBC and Honorary Clinical Professor at HKUMed’s Department of Medicine. Professor Chan-Yeung’s impact on the field of occupational asthma was profound. Her groundbreaking research led to the identification of the chemical compound responsible for the condition, ultimately benefiting numerous patients around the world. With her expertise in respiratory diseases and research, she served on and chaired various research grants and advisory committees, including those of the Medical Research Council of Canada and the World Health Organization. Her illustrious contribution to occupational medicine earned her prestigious accolades, such as the esteemed ‘Distinguished Achievement Award’ from the American Thoracic Society, and many others. Beyond her research and professional achievements, Professor Chan-Yeung made a significant contribution to the teaching of medical students, including auditing and evaluating HKUMed’s MBBS curriculum. Before her official retirement from HKUMed, she established the YC Chan Scientist Award in the Department of Medicine with a generous donation to support respiratory research. Following her retirement, Professor Chan-Yeung redirected her scholarly pursuits to penning several insightful books, including three significant volumes of a book series that explore the city’s medical history and healthcare services. Her most recent book, A Lifetime of Selfless Service, was a heartfelt tribute to her former teacher and inspirational mentor, the esteemed Professor Rosie Young. Professor Chan-Yeung's immense impact on the healthcare profession and the countless lives she touched will forever be cherished. The Faculty extends our heartfelt condolences to her family. 醫學院名譽臨床醫學教授、著名科學家暨傑出校友 陳慕華教授於2024年9月6日與世長辭,醫學院仝寅 深感哀痛。 陳教授在1962年畢業於港大醫學院,翌年加入內科學 系。及後,她遠赴英國深造,並於1968年移居加拿大, 成為不列顛哥倫比亞大學內科學系的知名學者,致力 於研究哮喘病。陳教授於1998年回港,被委任為港 大醫學院呼吸系統科講座教授。退休後,她被授予不 列顛哥倫比亞大學醫學院榮休教授,以及港大醫學院 內科學系名譽臨床教授名銜。 陳慕華教授在治療和研究職業性哮喘病領域方面貢獻 良多,其突破性的研究成果促成了識別引發該疾病的 化合物,惠澤全球眾多病患。憑藉對呼吸系統疾病的 專業知識和研究經驗,她積極參與及主理多個研究資 助和諮詢委員會,包括加拿大醫學研究局與世界衛生 組織。同時,陳慕華教授在職業醫學範疇的出色表現, 更為她贏得多項榮譽,例如由美國胸肺學會頒發的「超 卓成就獎」等殊榮。 除了在醫學界專業和研究方面擁有超卓成就之外,陳 教授在培養醫科學生方面亦不遺餘力,她過去多年參 與港大醫學院的內外全科醫學士課程。從醫學院正式 退休前她更慷慨捐款,為內科學系設立「YC Chan Scientist Award」,大力支持呼吸系統的研究。 退休後,陳慕華教授將精力由學術研究轉向撰寫書籍, 著作豐厚且具真知灼見,包括描述本地醫學發展史和 醫療服務的三本著名作品,而最新所著的《楊紫芝: 無私奉獻的一生》是向其恩師兼啟發導師楊紫芝教授 的深情致敬。 陳慕華教授的畢身成就對醫療界貢獻良多、影響深遠。 醫學院仝寅將永遠懷念陳教授,並向其家人致以深切 慰問。 Professor Moira MW Chan-Yeung 陳慕華教授 59 HKUMed News Winter 2024