
HKUMAA held its 24th Annual General Meeting, where Dr Libby Lee Ha-yun was elected as President, and Dr Flora Tsang Hau-fung and Dr Victor Yeung Hip-wo were elected as Vice-Presidents for the 2024-2026 term. Dr Cindy Lai Kit-lim, Professor Kendrick Co Shih and Dr Clara Wu Wing-yee were re-elected/elected as Executive Committee Members for 20242027. Following the AGM, Dr Wong Tai-wai, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine, SClinMed, and 1980 MBBS graduate, gave a captivating dinner talk on the medical history of Hong Kong before the war. HKUMAA舉行第24屆周年大會,李夏茵醫生當選會長,曾巧峯醫生 和楊協和醫生獲選副會長,任期為2024至2026年。此外,黎潔廉 醫生、施愷廸教授和胡詠儀醫生再選/獲選為2024-2027年的行政 委員會成員。會後,1980年醫科畢業生臨床醫學學院急症醫學系名 譽臨床副教授黃大偉醫生細說戰前香港的醫學歷史。 HKUMAA held the 5th Sharing Forum of its 130 Mentorship Programme, creating a vibrant platform for alumni and students to delve into the specialties of Pathology, Paediatrics and Psychiatry. The forum commenced with a thought-provoking panel discussion featuring three guest speakers. This was followed by enriching breakout sessions, in which the participants shared their experience and insights, deepening their understanding of each specialty. HKUMAA舉辦「130師友計劃」第五次分享會,就著病理科、兒科和精神科三個專科進行 線上討論。會議由三位嘉賓演講開展,隨後參加者與嘉賓在分組討論中分享經驗,進一步 加深大家對各專科的認識。 09/08/2024 HKUMAA Annual General Meeting and Dinner Talk by Dr Wong Tai-wai HKUMAA周年大會暨黃大偉醫生演講 19/05/2024 HKUMAA 130 Mentorship Programme 5th Sharing Forum HKUMAA 130 師友計劃第五次分享會 About 40 medical alumni and their families visited T Park, Hong Kong’s innovative waste-to-energy sludge-treatment facility. The day began with a seafood lunch in Lau Fau Shan, followed by a guided tour of T Park where they learned about sludge treatment. 約40名醫科校友及其家人參觀了香港創新的污泥 能源處理設施T Park。參加者先到流浮山享用 海鮮午餐,再到T Park參觀,各參加者把握機會 了解本地污泥處理的過程。 05/05/2024 HKUMAA Alumni Visit to T Park: A Fun and Educational Experience HKUMAA校友 T Park遊:滿載樂趣 和探索的一天 Sharing Corner Dr Alison Lam 林明彥 (MBBS 2016)& Dr Barry Wo 胡伯衛 (MBBS 2016) Cherished Moments Dr Elizabeth Ling 凌梓欣 (MBBS 2020) & Dr Ivan Lo 羅駿軒 (MBBS 2018) 61 HKUMed News Winter 2024