People 人物 05/10/2024* Inaugural KASES Competition 首辦 KASES模擬病人診症比賽 The EdTech (Education Technology) & SIMHSE team (Student in Medical and Health Sciences Education) hosted the first-ever KASES (Knowledge and Simulation Education System) simulated patient diagnosis competition, in which 13 teams of MBBS Clinical Year students competed to make accurate diagnoses for simulated patients, using targeted questioning and various test reports, including blood test reports, electrocardiograms and x-rays. 教育科技及「師生共策教學」計劃合辦第一屆KASES模擬病人診症比賽,共有13支 臨床年級醫科生隊伍參賽,考驗他們在最短時間内透過針對性問症及分析各類檢測 報告,包括驗血報告、心電圖、X 光檢查等,準確診斷模擬病人。 28/09/2024 MBBS White Coat Ceremony and Pin Presentation for MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) Students MBBS白袍禮暨傑出醫科學人 徽章頒授儀式 The White Coat Ceremony for over 300 Year-one MBBS students was held on the HKU campus, signifying the students’ embarkment on their medical journey. The Pin Presentation Ceremony was also held, with each MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) student receiving a special pin from Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine. 逾300位應屆MBBS新生參與在港大校園舉 行的白袍禮,標誌着同學們踏上醫學之旅。 當天同時也舉行了MBBS傑出醫科學人徽章 頒授儀式,由醫學院院長劉澤星教授向每位 傑出醫科學人頒授獨特的徽章。 STUDENT ACTIVITIES學生活動 Scan for more details 掃描二維碼瀏覽詳情 (as of 30 September 2024, except*) 64